by David Hilden, MD MPH | Nov 2, 2017 | Cancer, HCMC, Preventive care, Primary Care, Tips from Healthy Matters radio broadcast
October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I welcomed two outstanding experts to the WCCO studios for the live broadcast of Healthy Matters. We focused on the common screening test – the mammogram – and tried to answer your questions about this...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Oct 17, 2017 | Allergies, Health and wellness, Infections, Public Health
There’s a joke, probably only funny to someone from the great frozen tundra where I live, that goes something like this . . . Q: How does a person from Minnesota say “Hello”? A: (sniffles) . . . . “Hello.” Get it? It does seem like...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Oct 9, 2017 | Dental, Pediatrics
I get approached fairly often by colleagues and regular folks with ideas for radio show topics. With over 450 hour-long radio broadcasts so far, you may imagine that staying topical and interesting is something I hope to do. But in all those shows over the past nine...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Sep 25, 2017 | Ethics and philosophy, Health and wellness, Tips from Healthy Matters radio broadcast
Medical school is four years long. This is after four years of college. It is then followed by three more years of intensive training during medical residency. It’s a lot of learning. So in all those years, do you know how much I learned about chiropractic...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Aug 31, 2017 | Allergies, Dermatology, Getting medical information, Medications, Quick tips
Last Sunday I joined 197,890 of my closest friends at the Minnesota State Fair. Along with the best radio person in the business, Denny Long, I did a live, in-person broadcast of Healthy Matters. This was our 451th (!) live broadcast and my 9th year doing it from...