Doctors discuss natural immunity, post-COVID activities
Fox 9, 1/13/22
“If you vaccinated, and you are also boosted, and you got a breakthrough infection, you are about the safest person there is,” said Dr. David Hilden, an internal medicine physician at Hennepin Healthcare and host of the new HealthyMatters podcast.
MDH: At-home COVID tests not included in state data
KSTP-5, 1/10/22
Dr. David Hilden, an internal medicine physician at Hennepin Healthcare who treats COVID-19 patients, suggested looking at other metrics as well, including hospitalizations and deaths.
He said we have to wait and see how the spread of the omicron variant will play out in Minnesota.
“We know the omicron variant is very transmissible. In other words, it’s just highly contagious. I think it’s very likely the official test results will skyrocket up in the next few weeks. We know that because it is so contagious. And even though it’s less severe, so many people are going to have it that it is likely hospitalizations are going to go up and deaths are going to go up,” Hilden said.
Minnesota hospitals still battling surge in patients; two hospitals grateful for extension of military assistance
WCCO 4, 12/27/21
“We were able to manage these last 30 days with a little less strain on our staff and a great deal of boost to the morale of our staff,” said Dr. David Hilden, vice president of medical affairs at Hennepin Healthcare, which received one team at Hennepin County Medical Center. “It felt like the cavalry came into help.”
Health expert warns flu shots could be crucial to avoid a “twindemic” this winter
WCCO Radio, 10/18/21
“There is a concern about flu,” Dr. David Hilden told Adam Carter on the WCCO Morning News. “Most of us will remember or maybe it didn’t across our minds, we barely had flu last year. It was a handful of cases, but it was basically a non-event and that is likely because one, it was a mild flu season to begin with. But two, we weren’t together. We were social distancing and we were masking.”
What do men and women need to get checked during a routine physical?
WCCO 4, 5/18/21
“Traditionally we’ve thought that people in their 50s and 60s should start looking for [colon cancer],” said Dr. David Hilden, internal medicine physician with Hennepin Healthcare.
Are you on the hunt for a vaccine?
MPR News, 4/12/21
“We’re going to beat this thing. This pandemic is going to end if we can get everybody vaccinated as quickly as possible. But there’s another goal, and that is equity.” – Dr. David Hilden
Doctors: Stop focusing on efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine
FOX 9, 2/2/21
“It really doesn’t matter which one you got, it just matters that you got one of them,” said Dr. David Hilden of Hennepin Healthcare.
Good Question: What are you safe to do after getting vaccinated for COVID?
WCCO 4, 1/26/21
“It’s not going to be an immediate thing,” said Dr. David Hilden, internal medicine physician at Hennepin Healthcare.
Health care workers feel squeezed by surge of COVID-19 cases
MPR, 11/19/20
MPR News host Kerri Miller spoke with Dr. David Hilden, vice president of medical affairs at Hennepin Healthcare about the stress this surge is putting on health care workers.
With Minnesota COVID cases soaring, will state officials dial back again?
WCCO 4, 11/5/20
With Minnesota’s numbers remaining at all-time highs, will our state consider dialing things back again? WCCO spoke with Dr. David Hilden, an internal medicine physician at Hennepin Healthcare.
Why COVID-19 isn’t the only cause listed in CDC’s death numbers
KARE 11, 8/31/20
“Without a little context, you can say well look at that, they’re lying, they’re not,” Dr. Hilden says.
Planning a social gathering? Here are the dos, don’ts, and risks
Fox 9, 5/19/2020
According to Dr. David Hilden, the vice president of medical affairs at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis, as long as multiple people aren’t hovering around the grill, a backyard barbecue should be safe. “If one person is cooking on the grill and the others are sitting on chairs relatively far apart, that’s a relatively low risk thing to do,” Hilden said.
A check-in on Minnesota and its response to the coronavirus pandemic
MPR, 5/6/20
Kerri Miller spoke with Kris Ehresmann, the Minnesota Department of Health’s director of infectious diseases and epidemiology and Dr. David Hilden from Hennepin Healthcare about how the state has dealt with the pandemic so far and what may be down the road in addressing the pandemic.
Flu now “widespread” in Minnesota as 3 more people die, says report
Fox 9, 12/19/19
Dr. David Hilden of Hennepin Healthcare says with the holidays around the corner one of the biggest ways to prevent the spread of flu is to wash your hands and get the flu shot — it’s not too late.
Hospitals announce visitor restrictions because of flu outbreak
WCCO 4, 12/19/19
Dr. Hilden says right now one in four kids in school are getting flu so its important to stay home if you’re sick.
Why do presidents and candidates release the results of their physicals?
KARE 11, 12/31/19
Dr. David Hilden points out average life expectancy is a prediction made at birth, not decades into someone’s life.
Hospitals announce visitor restrictions because of flu outbreak
WCCO 4, 12/19/19
Dr. Hilden says right now one in four kids in school are getting flu so its important to stay home if you’re sick.
Flu now “widespread” in Minnesota as 3 more people die, says report
Fox 9, 12/19/19
Dr. David Hilden of Hennepin Healthcare says with the holidays around the corner one of the biggest ways to prevent the spread of flu is to wash your hands and get the flu shot — it’s not too late.
Feeling under the weather? Doctors say it’s likely one of these 3 things
KARE 11, 10/30/19
“Colds and flu-like illnesses are very widespread. They’re in probably almost every workplace right now,” said Dr. David Hilden, Internal Medicine Physician at Hennepin Healthcare.
Got the flu this holiday? Here’s when it’s safe to go out
KARE 11, 12/20/18
“If you have a fever you’re still infectious,” Hennepin Healthcare Dr. David Hilden says.
Doctors, patients wary of Medicaid work requirement
KARE 11, 4/1/18
Dr. David Hilden of Hennepin County Medical Center said many patients don’t have a certified disability, a federal designation that is very difficult to obtain, and yet are battling chronic health issues that vary greatly from day to day.
Lawmakers consider Medicaid work requirements
KARE 11, 3/26/18
Opposition is building to possible changes in Minnesota’s Medical Assistance program. Doctors and non-profit leaders stopped by the capitol to say proposed work requirements could hurt Minnesotans’ access to health care.
“Roughly 40 percent of our patients on Medicaid would be affected by this bill,” said Dr. David Hilden of Hennepin Healthcare.
New numbers show flu season not done yet
WCCO 4, 3/26/18
Influenza B is on the rise. Dr. David Hilden from Hennepin County Medical Center says he’s dealt with daily flu hospitalizations this year, and the season is not over.
“B tends to come late in the season and it tends to be worse with children so that’s what we’re seeing now this year,” Hilden said.
Want to avoid the flu while flying? Try a window seat
KARE 11, 3/26/18
Flu expert Dr. David Hilden of Hennepin Health Care says the study was also limited to short domestic flights.
“It’s probably much more likely that you would get influenza on an 8-hour flight than a 3-hour flight,” Dr. Hilden explains.
To fight flu, more Minnesotans on the hunt for elusive elderberry syrup
Star Tribune, 3/6/18
The scientific evidence that it works against the flu is not a slam dunk, according to Dr. David Hilden, an internal medicine physician at Hennepin County Medical Center.
How to avoid 2nd case of the flu
WCCO 4 TV, 2/12/18
“This year is the worst flu season I’ve seen in nearly a decade,” Dr. David Hilden, an Internal Medicine physician at Hennepin County Medical Center said.
How do you know if you’ve got the flu?
GoMN, 2/9/18
“In my memory, it’s the worst since the 2009-10 year, which was that awful year that we called it the ‘Swine flu,'” Hennepin County Medical Center’s internal medicine physician, Dr. David Hilden, told GoMN. “Easily the worst one in six, seven, eight years.”
Hospital sets up 1st mobile emergency unit in US to address flu epidemic
ABC World News, 1/29/18
Dr. David Hilden from Hennepin County Medical Center interviewed.
MN flu season may have peaked
KARE 11 TV, 1/18/18
“One of the things we were thinking about when we heard the Super Bowl was coming to downtown Minneapolis is, what if we’re already full from something else?” said Dr. David Hilden, an internal medicine physician at HCMC. “And that something else this year is influenza.”
How necessary are annual physical exams?
89.3 KPCC Air Talk, 1/17/18
Doctors recommend coming into their offices for a check-up and blood work once a year… but is the cost to insurers and patients worth the benefits? Guest Dr. David Hilden, assistant chief of medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis.
Do traveling football fans bring added risk for the flu?
KARE 11 TV, 1/12/18
Dr. David Hilden is an internal medicine physician at the Hennepin County Medical Center.
10 things you should ask your doctor at your next visit
Minneapolis Star Tribune, 1/11/10
Dr. David Hilden talks with Allie Shah at the Star Tribune about ways to become more prepared for your next doctor visit.
Good Question: Why do we say “bless you” when someone sneezes?
>WCCO 4 TV, 3/3/17
In the popular “Good Question” segment, Heather Brown asks Dr. David Hilden what happens when we sneeze?
Perspective: I eat too much butter
>Minnesota Medicine magazine, September-October 2016
In a reprint of a post from MyHealthyMatters.org, Dr. David Hilden reflects on day of eating.
Good Question: Can a change in seasons make us sick?
>WCCO 4 TV, 6/6/16
John Lauritsen asks Dr. David Hilden another “Good Question”
Flu hitting Minnesota hard
KARE 11 TV, 3/15/16
Dr. David Hilden talks about a tough flu season on the set of KARE11 with Julie Nelson.
Good Question: How can you live to 100?
WCCO 4 TV, 2/11/16
Heather Brown asks Dr. David Hilden how to live a really long time.
Measles can be tough for younger doctors to spot
WCCO-830 Radio, 2/2/15
Because of vaccinations, younger doctors don’t see much measles anymore. Dr. David Hilden talks with Al Schoch of WCCO Radio.
Career switch: Why some left other jobs for medicine
Minnesota Medicine magazine, February 2014
Dr. David Hilden is featured as he explains his transition from electrical engineer to doctor.
Deer tick season arrives early
WCCO-830 Radio, 5/30/12
Dr. David Hilden talks on-air with Steve Murphy about a warm spring and the arrival of ticks.
Doctor, What’s the story?
Minnesota Medicine magazine, December 2011
Dr. David Hilden gives some tips for medical professionals in talking to the media.
Vitamins A to Z
Minnesota Monthly magazine, 1/31/11
Dr. David Hilden makes sense of the alphabet soup.
Facing End-of-Life Talks, Doctors Choose to Wait
The New York Times, 1/11/10
Dr. David Hilden joins a discussion about when doctors should talk about end-of-life issues with their patients.