by David Hilden, MD MPH | Sep 6, 2018 | Diet and exercise, Health in the News, Medical research
Hi, friends! I’ve been gone on a bit of a hiatus but am back and ready to weigh in on the health care news of the day. Like this eye-catching headline I recently read: “No amount of alcohol is safe, health experts warn” A new study was recently...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Aug 15, 2017 | Traumatic Brain Injury
Hey, friends! You just gotta learn about this woman. Her name is Charlene Barron and she sounds like an incredible woman. I also never got the chance to meet her, but I learned of her just this past week and if you were listening to the Healthy Matters radio...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Apr 8, 2017 | Medical research
Hey friends! The plaque in this photo above was a gift from a medical student and hangs on my wall right above my desk. It is a saying reportedly from Michelangelo that I use in teaching medical students and residents fairly often. I even gave a speech to some...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Mar 11, 2016 | HCMC, Health in the News, Medical research, Traumatic Brain Injury
There’s big news from HCMC this week. Many know that HCMC is the largest provider of TBI care in the state of Minnesota. But many don’t know that we are also a major research institution and in no area is this more true than TBI. The big news is that our...