by David Hilden, MD MPH | Jun 11, 2016 | HCMC, Health and wellness, Primary Care, Public Health, Tips from Healthy Matters radio broadcast
Hey and how are ya? C’mon in, grab a cup of coffee. Thanks for stopping by to my Healthy Matters home. Today I’m going to talk about Health Care Homes, aka Medical Homes, aka the Next-Generation-of-Medical-Delivery, aka the...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | May 25, 2016 | Allergies, Medical research, Preventive care, Surgery, Tips from Healthy Matters radio broadcast
OK, first off that is a delish-looking bowl of peanut butter in this picture. And I love peanut butter. Especially on a banana. Anybody else put peanut butter on bananas? Or apples? I put it on both! Seriously that is some quality peanut butter. But who really...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | May 20, 2016 | Geriatrics and aging, Preventive care, Tips from Healthy Matters radio broadcast
Before I get started on this post . . . I have started reading How Doctors Think by Jerome Groopman, which is the selection for our online Healthy Matters book club. Check out the recent post about it here and start reading! Falls Check out our dog, Zoe. She is a...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | May 1, 2016 | Cancer, Dermatology, HCMC, Tips from Healthy Matters radio broadcast
May is Skin Cancer Month and Monday, May 2 is “Melanoma Monday” so let’s talk about your skin. You probably have heard many times about many types of illness – “Catch it early and it is really treatable but catch it late and it’s...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Apr 29, 2016 | HCMC, Medications, Tips from Healthy Matters radio broadcast
Every year or so I do an “Ask the Pharmacist” show on Healthy Matters. These are always popular shows with listeners and this week was no exception. Joining me in studio were two HCMC pharmacists, Laurie Wilhite and Erika Ridl. We answered questions...
by David Hilden, MD MPH | Apr 11, 2016 | Diabetes, HCMC, Surgery, Tips from Healthy Matters radio broadcast
This post is all about wound healing, hyperbaric oxygen, and fluorescent microangiography. Now if that doesn’t get your attention . . . Here’s a preview of what you will find in this post – lots of multimedia clips and info: Basics about leg wounds...