No amount of alcohol is safe. Oh, c’mon now.
Hi, friends! I’ve been gone on a bit of a hiatus but am back and ready to weigh in on the health care news of the day. Like this eye-catching headline I recently read:
“No amount of alcohol is safe, health experts warn”
A new study was recently published that pretty much came to that conclusion. The authors did a big retrospective look at previous medical research into alcohol use and concluded that there was no amount of alcohol consumption that could be considered safe. This really made the news all over the place, like this sobering 30-second blurb:
Due to my unending dedication to finding sound medical advice . . . and even more because I had just enjoyed a nice glass of a dry rose wine on a hot summer evening and didn’t want a bunch of egghead researchers to spoil it for me . . . I had to investigate further. Read on for my take on the latest alcohol brouhaha. read more…
Alicia’s incredible story. Read this post, save a life.
Be brave. That is Alicia’s message.
This is undoubtedly the most powerful story we’ve yet told in 10 years of Healthy Matters broadcasts.
If you missed last week’s show, you missed a doozy of a personal story. Alicia Bravo is a nurse at Hennepin’s Emergency Department and just one year ago this healthy triathlete experienced a sudden cardiac arrest while swimming. Her dad and husband saved her life with CPR and now she is spreading the word about it. You’re going to want to listen to her tell the story on the podcast by clicking Listen to Podcasts at the right of this page.
To give us additional expertise, we were joined in the studio by Dr. Brad Bart, Director of Cardiology at Hennepin Healthcare. As a follow-up to the show, I asked each of them to respond to some written questions. What follows is from Alicia and Dr. Bart. There are powerful and wise words in this post, some links to helpful sites, a way you can donate to CPR education, and even an event that involves drinking beer.
I encourage you to read it through. You may save a life someday.
Please share this post on Facebook, Instagram, and with your friends by clicking the icons above. This is a message we need to get out!
Diabetes Part 2 with Dr. Laura LaFave
Hi, everybody and thanks for stopping by. This is Part 2 of our look at diabetes, aided by my colleague, endocrinologist Dr. Laura LaFave. Click on Part 1 here if you missed it from last week.
In this part, I’ll cover:
- Risk factors for developing diabetes. (Includes a BMI calculator that you should try).
- Complications of diabetes.
- Tips for reducing your chance of getting diabetes.
Here we go!