It’s dreaded “cold and flu” season here in the not-yet-frozen tundra of Minnesota and probably where you live as well.
This is a quick post to announce #FluChat – which I am doing along with my friends at HealthFair 11 and the Minnesota Department of Health on Tuesday, December 6 from Noon to 1:00 p.m.
We are observing National Influenza Vaccination Week with what will be my 3rd Twitter chat. What is a Twitter chat, you say? I’m glad you asked. Our Twitter chat is one-hour of LIVE questions and answers about colds, flu, and vaccinations. To join in, simply tweet our team any question or comment you have about influenza and vaccinations via your own Twitter account. Include my handle @DrDavidHilden and include #FluChat in your Tweet. And then look for our response!
I’m not doing this alone! Joining me for #FluChat will be:
- Jennifer Heath, DNP, MPH, RN from the Minnesota Department of Health. She’s the supervisor of education and partnerships unit for the MDH immunization program.
- Lynn Bahta, RN, PHN. Lynn is the immunization clinical consultant for the Minnesota Department of Health immunization program.
- Sam Ives, MD. Sam is a friend and colleague of mine in Internal Medicine at Hennepin County Medical Center. Regular listeners to HealthyMatters on WCCO radio may recognize him as an occasional guest host for me.
The whole shebang is moderated by our partners in health, HealthFair 11.
I hope you’ll join us. It is easy and fun. Yes, fun! I have done two previous Twitter chats (one on Allergies and one on Mammograms) and it is fast-moving and energizing.
So put it on your calendar. What better way to spend your lunch?
It’s #FluChat on Tuesday, December 6, Noon – 1:00 pm.
You’ll find us @DrDavidHilden and use the hashtag #FluChat.
For more information, check out my partners at HealthFair 11 and the #FluChat page at the Minnesota Department of Health.