I have been writing My Healthy Matters for nearly two years, and over that time there have been over 50,000 views to the site. To all of you who read along with me, THANK YOU!
I took a pause in writing new posts today to look at the statistics on what most of you are reading on the blog. It is really fascinating to see what strikes your collective fancy, so I thought I’d do a little retrospective post to highlight the most popular posts of the past. You may wish to go back and read what you missed.
I’ll rank them in order of popularity, based on number of people who viewed them in 2017, and I’ll include links to the posts in case you want to read them.
Top 5 past My Healthy Matters posts
#1. Quick tips: stroke symptoms, swollen legs, and glucose levels.
I’m not sure why this one is the most-read post I have done. Makes me wonder, are you all most interested in strokes, the puffiness in your legs, or your blood sugars? There’s also some random topics in there as well (calcium, arms falling asleep .. . ). Hmm. I don’t think it is one of my best pieces of writing, but maybe it has the quick bits of medical information people crave.
#2. I eat too much butter: motivating for healthier living.
I get why this one is popular. Any post that features me in my kitchen with an entire stick of butter in my mouth, now that’s compelling stuff, eh? Back in June of 2016 I about died laughing as I was taking selfies of myself in a John Lennon T-shirt with a stick of butter in my mouth. How did it ever come to this? Anyway, it is the second most popular post I have done.
#3. Apple cider vinegar: a Healthy Matters investigative report!
A post that arose out of a late-2016 visit with my daughter in Los Angeles ends up as the third most-read post I’ve done. Don’t know anything about ACV (what us cool people call apple cider vinegar)? I didn’t know anything either, but I learned a bit and reported on it in this post. Don’t miss the picture of my feet.
#4. Butterflies and bacteria: thoughts on a healthy planet
This is one of my favorites, though it does deviate from straight medical information a bit. My wife and I are drawn to animals that migrate. I’m serious! We have been on boats watching gray whales migrate in the south Pacific. I’ve stood silently in a camouflaged blind on the Platte River in awe of the sandhill cranes. And perhaps most mind-blowing of all – about a year ago we rode horses up a Mexican mountainside to see the monarch butterflies. In this #4 most popular post, I talk about that experience and why it might matter for the health of planet Earth. I included some beautiful pictures I took of the swarms of monarchs.
#5. Sinus congestion, nasal irrigation, and the neti pot
I think we are in such need of good ways to clear out our noses and sinuses. Ways that don’t always involve medications. So I’m not too surprised that my discussion of the neti pot as a way to clear out our sinuses comes in as the 5th most popular piece I’ve done. What do Himalayan yoga masters have to do with your clogged up sinuses? Read the post to find out.
I invite you to view these posts or any of the other 82 posts from My Healthy Matters. There’s even one of Joan Crawford reading a poem in one of those posts. Can you find it?
Thanks for being part of My Healthy Matters!