Quick reminder about the upcoming #ColonChat. It is THIS FRIDAY, March 24, from Noon to 1:00 p.m. Central Time. My colleague, Dr. Jake Matlock, will join me and others from the HCMC GI Lab for a fast-paced hour using Twitter to answer questions and bust myths about colon cancer. These are people who look inside intestines all day long so you know they are party-type of people.
It’s fun and informative! All you need to do is follow me on Twitter @DrDavidHilden during the hour. Tweet me your comments or questions during the hour using the hashtag #ColonChat, or if you tend toward the whimsical, you can use #ScopeItOut instead. Look for Dr. Matlock’s responses in real time during the hour. We’re bringing some nurses from the GI Lab to answer questions as well since we all know it is nurses who are the real experts!
Here’s a couple of myths we will shred to pieces during ColonChat hour:
Myth: Colon cancer is deadly so there is no point in looking for it. Wrong. We will tell you why it is important to screen for colon cancer.
Myth: Colon cancer is not preventable. The heck it ain’t! Find out why during #ColonChat.
Myth. Colon cancer is mostly a man’s disease. Nope. Women get it just about as often.
Myth: I feel fine and have normal bowel movements so I can’t have colon cancer. Most colon cancer doesn’t cause symptoms!
Myth: No one in my family had colon cancer so I’m not at risk. No no no! Although there is some genetic risk, most people who get colon cancer did not have a family member with it.
For lots more information on colon cancer, I invite you to check out my two recent previous posts on the subject. Here’s the links to them for you to check out, share on social media, and so forth.
And be sure to tune in to #ColonChat this Friday, March 24, Noon – 1:00 p.m. on Twitter @DrDavidHilden
#ColonChat rules!