Hilden’s House Calls makes its debut on Episode 3 of The Healthy Matters Podcast, but it’s really nothing new. I’ve been answering your health questions for more than 13 years on the radio and I have no intention of stopping. Your thoughtful questions make for great discussion and are so informative for more than just the person asking the question. Remember, anyone can ask a health question by calling 612-873-TALK (8255) anytime and leaving a message. You can also send me an email at healthymatters@hcmed.org or tweet your question on Twitter @DrDavidHilden.
In Episode 3 George from St. Paul asks about the accuracy of COVID home self-test kits and if washing hands and wiping down stuff is still an effective way to reduce the risk for transmitting COVID. Remember wiping down groceries? Carol from Buffalo asks how Omicron differs from other variants of COVID, and Eric from Mankato wonders how come people have different symptoms when they get the virus. We also talk about masks, vaccines and the influenza epidemic of 1918.
But we don’t spend the entire time talking about COVID – we also had a great question about chest pain and how it can be different for men and women. And you know me, I don’t just answer questions with a yes or no. You’ll get an earful that includes some background, what’s happening inside your body, symptoms to watch for, and what to do if you’re experiencing a health concern.
As always, I can only give general medical advice during Healthy Matters and every case is unique. Please consult with your personal physician if you have more serious or pressing health concerns. (And if you don’t have a personal physician – please get one. We also talk about how important that is in this episode!)